الفهرس الالي لمكتبة كلية العلوم و علوم التكنولوجيا
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Auteur R.KELLNER |
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Titre : ANALYTICAL Chemistry : the approved text to the FECS curriculum analytical chemistry Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : R.KELLNER, Auteur ; J.-M.MERMET, Auteur ; M.OTTO, Auteur Editeur : Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Année de publication : 1998 Importance : 916 P Format : 30CM/22CM ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-527-28881-6 Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : ANALYTICAL Chemistry process assurance and quality chromatography kinetics and catalysis compound and molecule microbeam structural analysis chemometrics hyphenated techniques miniaturized appendix Index. décimale : 543 Chimie Physique Résumé : Analytical Chemistry is a book with an aim:
To offer chemistry students worldwide a cohesive, clearly structured overview of analytical chemistry. Modern, stimulating and completely up–to–date.
This is a book with committed supporters:
Analytical Chemistry is the offspring of the Division of Analytical Chemistry (DAC) of the Federation of European Chemical Societies. Experts who care about future experts
... and with illustrious authors:
Contributors of international stature and impressive background include
K. Cammann (Germany), G. D. Christian (USA), P. Van Espen (Belgium), H. Friebolin (Germany), K. Fuwa (Japan), J. G. Grasselli (USA), M. Grasserbauer (Austria), D. B. Griepink (Belgium), E. A. H. Hall (U.K.), E. H. Hansen (Denmark), V. Krivan (Germany), W. E. van der Linden (The Netherlands), A. Manz (U.K.), W. M. A. Niessen (The Netherlands), L. Niinisto (Finland), D. Perez Bendito (Spain), W. S. Sheldrick (Germany), K. Toth (Hungary), W. Wegscheider (Austria), P. G. Zambonin (Italy). Each of these names is an endorsement of the quality and authority of Analytical Chemistry.
Richly illustrated, learning objectives precede each chapter. Numerous problems and worked examples help students develop a solid understanding of the material covered. This textbook covers everything that the aspiring analytical chemist needs to know: from sampling, quality assurance, chemical analysis, sensors, spectroscopic methods, to chemometrics and applications of total analysis systems to real problems.
Also available in hardcover.
Note de contenu : Éditeur : Wiley VCH (23 février 1998)
Langue : Anglais
Relié : 941 pages
ISBN-10 : 3527286101
ISBN-13 : 978-3527286102
Poids de l'article : 2.24 kg
Dimensions : 22.1 x 4.72 x 30.2 cm
ANALYTICAL Chemistry : the approved text to the FECS curriculum analytical chemistry [texte imprimé] / R.KELLNER, Auteur ; J.-M.MERMET, Auteur ; M.OTTO, Auteur . - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 1998 . - 916 P ; 30CM/22CM.
ISBN : 978-3-527-28881-6
Langues : Français (fre)
Mots-clés : ANALYTICAL Chemistry process assurance and quality chromatography kinetics and catalysis compound and molecule microbeam structural analysis chemometrics hyphenated techniques miniaturized appendix Index. décimale : 543 Chimie Physique Résumé : Analytical Chemistry is a book with an aim:
To offer chemistry students worldwide a cohesive, clearly structured overview of analytical chemistry. Modern, stimulating and completely up–to–date.
This is a book with committed supporters:
Analytical Chemistry is the offspring of the Division of Analytical Chemistry (DAC) of the Federation of European Chemical Societies. Experts who care about future experts
... and with illustrious authors:
Contributors of international stature and impressive background include
K. Cammann (Germany), G. D. Christian (USA), P. Van Espen (Belgium), H. Friebolin (Germany), K. Fuwa (Japan), J. G. Grasselli (USA), M. Grasserbauer (Austria), D. B. Griepink (Belgium), E. A. H. Hall (U.K.), E. H. Hansen (Denmark), V. Krivan (Germany), W. E. van der Linden (The Netherlands), A. Manz (U.K.), W. M. A. Niessen (The Netherlands), L. Niinisto (Finland), D. Perez Bendito (Spain), W. S. Sheldrick (Germany), K. Toth (Hungary), W. Wegscheider (Austria), P. G. Zambonin (Italy). Each of these names is an endorsement of the quality and authority of Analytical Chemistry.
Richly illustrated, learning objectives precede each chapter. Numerous problems and worked examples help students develop a solid understanding of the material covered. This textbook covers everything that the aspiring analytical chemist needs to know: from sampling, quality assurance, chemical analysis, sensors, spectroscopic methods, to chemometrics and applications of total analysis systems to real problems.
Also available in hardcover.
Note de contenu : Éditeur : Wiley VCH (23 février 1998)
Langue : Anglais
Relié : 941 pages
ISBN-10 : 3527286101
ISBN-13 : 978-3527286102
Poids de l'article : 2.24 kg
Dimensions : 22.1 x 4.72 x 30.2 cm
Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité ST9812 543/67.1 Ouvrage Faculté des Sciences et de la Technologie 500 - Sciences de la nature et Mathématiques Exclu du prêt